Sunday School
The Lord has blessed us with an exciting and dynamic Sunday school program. We have a number of gifted and committed teachers who do everything possible to make our Sunday School classes warm and inviting. Scripture is foundational for people of all ages, and we strive to present biblical truth to our kids in a way that is clear, compelling, and age-appropriate. Everyone starts together in the main auditorium at 9:45, and then students leave to go to their individual classes. We offer separate classes for 4-5 years/Kindergarten & 1st grade, 2nd & 3rd grades, 4th-6th grades, and 7th-12th grades.
Junior Church
We offer a Junior Church option for kids during our 11:00 service on Sunday morning. Once again, everyone starts together; then the kids are dismissed about twenty minutes into the service to go to their class. They finish around the same times as the adults in the main service (noon). Our heart is to see kids become spiritually engaged from the very start so that as they grow they can begin to serve themselves in ever-expanding ways.
Our church nursery is fully staffed for each of our major church services.
Gophers & Olympians
Our Gophers and Olympians program is run with materials provided by Word of Life. It runs from 5:45-7:00pm on Sunday evenings throughout the school year. Kids enjoy a variety of fun activities, but the focus is on learning about the Bible and developing a personal relationship with Jesus.
Cedar Creek Christian School
Cedar Creek Christian School is a ministry of Cedar Creek Bible Church. We run classes for K-4 through 12th grade. Our goal is to provide a high-quality education for our young people while encouraging them at the same time to know and serve Christ now and for the rest of their lives. We are blessed with highly-qualified teachers who have hearts for teaching. For more information, please check out our school page.